2048 Pixels Wide and 1152 Pixels Tall Pictures 2560x1440 Channel Art and 4mb Max


What is a YouTube banner of 2048x1152 pixels?

What'south the average size of a YouTube banner?

Why is a YouTube banner of 2048x1152 pixels of import?

9 steps to brand a YouTube imprint of 2048x1152 pixels

How to upload your custom YouTube channel art of 2048 x 1152 pixels?

3 examples of a perfect YouTube banner of 2048x1152 pixels

A step-by-step guide to pattern your 2048x1152 pixels YouTube banner/ channel art!

"Do not judge a book by its comprehend," they said.

But, we still do it on a subconscious level (thanks to millions of years of human being development).

The adage is true for YouTube banners of 2048x1152 pixels too - we shouldn't judge a YouTube channel past its banner.

But, the fact is nosotros are even so humans. Nosotros still do approximate a YouTube channel by it's imprint and subscribers.

So, in this blog post, we will help you lot create a stunning YouTube imprint of 2048x1152 pixels.

We will also explicate the best practices with some practical examples.


What is a YouTube imprint of 2048x1152 pixels?

If you already understand the basics of a YouTube banner, feel free to skip this section. But if you're new to this concept, then read along.

A 2048 ten 1152 size YouTube banner is displayed on the top of your YouTube channel. For example, consider our ain channel - Picmaker.

Screenshot of Picmaker's YouTube channel
Picmaker'south YouTube Channel

Practice you meet the graphic that is displayed above our YouTube channel'south name?

Yup, the one with the words, " Blueprint the Futurity" . That's your YouTube imprint of 2048x1152 pixels. Information technology helps provide a professional look to your aqueduct. Without that banner, whatever channel would wait dull.

Removing a YouTube banner could exist detrimental to the channel in a number of means.

For starters, a new visitor might come up to a channel and determine to not subscribe because he/she does non know what our YouTube aqueduct is all about. Like a well-written website copy, a clean banner gives a adept first impression and pushes people to subscribe to your channel.

Related reading:

Take a look at this free guide if you desire to create your YouTube imprint in 2560 x 1440 pixels.


What's the average size of a YouTube banner?

With all that said, you might exist doubtful almost the correct size for your YouTube banner. In that location are a ton of recommendations out at that place.

Frankly, it can get a chip confusing. But, we desire to brand life simple for you. Here are the 4 details you'll ever need to know.

  • The recommended size for YouTube banner image: 2560 10 1140 pixels
  • Minimum dimensions for YouTube banner: 2048 10 1152 pixels
  • Rubber surface area to display your texts and logos: 1546 x 423 pixels
  • Maximum File size of YouTube banner: 6MB
Average size of a YouTube banner - Picmaker

These are the only dimensions and sizes you lot need to consider while creating your YouTube imprint.

In this blog post, we'll take a look at how nosotros tin can create a YouTube banner of 2048 x 1152 pixels for Costless.


Why is a YouTube banner of 2048x1152 pixels important?

A YouTube banner is of import for a number of reasons. Only, we'll comprehend the top 5 most important reasons to create your custom YouTube banner.

i. Give your visitors a solid first impression

Allow's say that you lot are reading one of our weblog posts and click on a link to one of our YouTube videos. Permit's likewise assume that you dear our YouTube videos and desire to learn more about us.

So you click on our YouTube channel logo and get to our aqueduct dashboard. Let's assume that our aqueduct looks like this now.

Screenshot of a YouTube channel without a banner
Youtube channel without a Banner

Would yous subscribe to it?

On a scale of ane to 10, how sure are you lot to subscribe to our aqueduct?

Make a note of your answer and delight be honest with it.

Now allow's assume in the same scenario, where you lot click our logo, and jump onto our channel dashboard. This is what yous see right now.

Screenshot of a YouTube channel with an updated banner
Youtube channel with a imprint

On a scale of 1 to 10, how sure are y'all to subscribe to this version of our aqueduct?

If you lot're similar us, you would subscribe to the 2d version of our channel. That's because this channel looks much better than the other.

The custom 2048 x 1152 YouTube imprint made our aqueduct look professional.

It gave you a solid start impression and pushed you to subscribe to our channel.

2. Tell a story

If washed right, your YouTube channel tin tell a story about who you are and what you exercise. You tin get out subtle clues as to what your channel is all about.

Accept a look at Vanessa Lau's YouTube channel.

Screenshot of Vanessa's YouTube channel example 1
Vanessa Lau's YouTube aqueduct

She gets a number of things right on her custom YouTube banner.

  • She explains what she does in a unproblematic manner
Screenshot of Vanessa's YouTube channel example 2

1 await at her banner and y'all tin understand that she helps creators and coaches with their business.

  • She as well shows valid proof of how many followers she has on Instagram.
Screenshot of Vanessa's YouTube channel example 3

This shows that Vanessa knows her stuff. This may exist a very pocket-sized gene, simply subconsciously, our human brain tunes into that and recognizes it.

It'southward a small nudge that will compel you to hitting the 'Subscribe' button and become her follower.

3. Explain your posting schedule

Screenshot of Vanessa's YouTube channel example 4

In one case we are done with intros, you tin too utilise the custom YouTube banner to show your posting schedule. Vanessa states that she puts out a "new video every week." So, if you're consequent with your YouTube game, be specific with your posting schedule.

Something like "New video every Sunday noon Eastern Time" or "New videos on every weekday" or even "New videos every single day".

(BTW, If you're someone who puts out new videos every solar day, nosotros have one question for you lot - How do you do information technology?!)

Tag @picmakerhq on Twitter and tell us all about your YouTube video secrets. We'll share them with everybody in a special weblog post and credit you for it.

4. Point people to lead magnets or whatever other CTA (Phone call to Action)

Screenshot of Vanessa's YouTube channel example 5

Finally, you can use your 2048 x 1152 YouTube channel fine art to atomic number 82 people out of your YouTube channel. If you lot take a await at Vanessa'due south custom YouTube banner, she points visitors to gratuitous grooming.

When yous click on that, you lot country on Vanessa'southward website.

Screenshot of Vanessa's website
Vanessa Lau's website

This is an example of how yous can use custom links to take your subscribers off YouTube into your website.

You lot tin besides employ the same button to guide people to a free Ebook. Ahrefs uses this adventure to push people to subscribe to their channel.

A screenshot of Ahrefs YouTube channel
Ahrefs YouTube aqueduct's banner

Click on this and y'all will get an selection to subscribe to their YouTube channel (if y'all're not subscribed already). Just like Vanessa, they could have used this gamble to ask people to hit that button, just by leaving a small Call To Action there.

A screenshot of Ahrefs YouTube channel 2
Ahrefs's YouTube aqueduct

Related reading:

  1. Nosotros nerveless a listing of 100+ of the best and top YouTube channels across categories like cooking, education & more.
  2. Here'due south an updated guide to explain graphic design tips for not-designers in 2021


9 steps to make a YouTube banner of 2048x1152 pixels

Before yous get-go with the designs for your custom 2048 x 1152 YouTube template, brand certain that all your dimensions are right.

Plotting out dimensions is a tedious procedure.

That'due south exactly why we created a YouTube imprint pattern template to help yous with that process.

All you need to exercise is download this image and use it as a reference when you are designing your custom 2048 x 1152 YouTube banner. Yous tin can use it as a standard reference for all designs like a 2048 x 1152 gaming YouTube banner, 2048 ten 1152 gratis burn down YouTube banner, and much more.

Right-click on this template and Striking "Save image" to save it on your desktop.

If you experience that this template is too colorful for your likes, you can too download our 2nd version. It's quite friendly on the optics.

YouTube banner 2048x1152 measuring guide - Picmaker - 1
YouTube Banner measuring guide 1

Or, y'all could download this imprint template beneath.

YouTube banner 2048x1152 measuring guide - Picmaker - 2
Youtube imprint measuring Guide 2

Anyways both are the aforementioned, apart from the different color schemes.

This template will be your guiding calorie-free for creating your custom 2048 10 1152 YouTube imprint paradigm.

Before we dive into the steps, feel free to check out this video. We put it together to help you create the perfect YouTube banner.

We'll say it a thousand times before yous download this template. Trust us when nosotros say that it's that much important for this process.

Click on the Prototype and click 'Save.'

Have you downloaded it yet?

Perfect! Let's get on with our second step at present.

Step 2: Become to Picmaker and select a custom dimension

Visit Picmaker.com and login to your dashboard. Feel costless to create your own business relationship if y'all're not an user already.

On your dashboard select the "Custom size" option.

A screenshot of Picmaker's dashboard
Picmaker'south dashboard

Pace 3: Enter the custom dimension values in at that place

Afterward you click on the custom size pick, you'll discover this popular-up.

                                                                       A screenshot of Picmaker's dashboard
Enter your design dimensions here

Enter the Dimensions as '2048' and '1152' in the respective boxes. Select 'px' as the measurement factor.

A screenshot of Picmaker's dashboard with 2048 x 1152 YouTube banners.
Select 'px' as measurement here

Now click on "Create Design."

A screenshot of Picmaker's dashboard with "create design".
Click on 'Create' Design

Y'all will be taken to a make new blank page with your YouTube imprint of 2048x1152 dimensions.

A screenshot of Picmaker's blank canvas
Picmaker'due south blank canvas

Pace 4: Upload our template and import it onto your page

Select the upload 'tab' on the right-hand side and upload the template yous downloaded earlier.

A screenshot that asks to select upload tab

Hit the upload button.

Screenshot that asks to click upload button

Once y'all find the template on your device, upload information technology to your dashboard.

Screenshot that shows that 2048 x 1152 YouTube banner measuring guide has been uploaded

Step v: Drag and drop the template onto your bare workspace

In one case yous accept the template on your Picmaker dashboard, elevate and drop it onto your blank workspace.

Screenshot that asks to drag and drop template onto the blank canvas (to make YouTube banner)
Elevate and drib the template onto your canvas

Resize it to fit the dimensions of your custom 2048 ten 1152 YouTube aqueduct template.

Once you have uploaded this template onto your dashboard, information technology'southward time to go your hands dirty. Y'all need to decide if you're planning to use a motion-picture show or simply solid colour for your banners.

  • If you are using a moving picture, here's the next step

Yous can click on the photos tab and cull from millions of stock photos in our YouTube banner maker.

Screenshot that asks to click photos to add pictures. (to make 2048 x 1152 YouTube banner)

If y'all want to make it personal, y'all tin can also upload an original photograph by clicking on the upload tab and uploading your image.

  • If you are using solid colors, select the gradients or shapes to fill your YouTube banner.
Screenshot that asks to click objects to add colours. (to make 2048 x 1152 YouTube banner)

Nosotros like to keep things simple.So we are just going with solid colors for this tutorial.

Step 7: Add together fonts and colours over the banner

The next step is to add a primary colour over the tablet surface area.

Screenshot that mentions black as primary colour (to make YouTube banner)

Once your chief colour has covered the unabridged desktop area, click on 'Arrangement.'

Screenshot that asks you to select arrangement icon (to make YouTube banner)

 So hit 'Backward.'

Screenshot that asks to select back in arrangement tab (to make YouTube banner)

The blueprint will disappear behind our template.But don't you worry well-nigh it.

We will retrieve that design in the next steps. Now, go on and add together another solid color like this cyan for the mobile expanse.

Screenshot that states cyan as secondary banner colour in your 2048 x 1152 pixels YouTube banner

Simply like the in a higher place pace, click on 'Arrangement' and hit the 'Astern' option.

Screenshot that asks to select back in arrangements tab (to make YouTube banner)

Step 8: Delete the template

After you've added enough variations and colors, feel free to get ahead and delete the template.

Screenshot that asks you to delete the youtube banner measuring template (to make YouTube banner)

Voilà! Now, yous are left with but the templates or designs that you chose earlier.

Step 9: Be creative within the designated area

Now that you have the designated surface area all to yourself, feel free to let your inventiveness run amuck. Get-go by adding the correct texts and CTAs for your YouTube aqueduct. You tin can choose from the hundreds of fonts available on Picmaker's dashboard.

Click on the text tab and select a mode of your pick.

Screenshot that asks to select text tab and add new fonts (to make 2048 x 1152 YouTube banner)

Alter the size and color of the selected font to make it fit your blueprint.

Screenshot that asks to add CTA and short descriptions (to make YouTube banner)

You can as well add some fun elements to make your 2048 x 1152 pixels YouTube channel art-pop.

Select the 'Objects' bar and put in elements that fit the theme of your YouTube banner.

Screenshot that asks to add graphic elements (to make YouTube banner)

If you're looking to amp it up, you can add your images past removing their background.

Screenshot that asks to add image (to make 2048 x 1152 YouTube banner)

Upload your image and click on 'Effects.'

Screenshot that asks you to click on 'effects'.

Select 'Remove Background' and remove the image groundwork for free.

Screenshot that asks to remove background (to make YouTube banner)

You can finetune it to add or remove parts from your image. Once it'south done click on 'End.'

Screenshot that prompts you to click the Finish button (to make 2048 x 1152 YouTube banner)

You tin take this up a notch and 'Stickerify' your image to make it pop. But, we're not going to do this. Instead, we'll allow you figure out that feature for yourself. 👊

Screenshot that asks you to resize the image to fit your banner (to make YouTube banner)

Once yous're satisfied with your 2048 x 1152 pixels YouTube imprint, get ahead and download it.

Just 1 last thing - don't forget to add a background for this banner. This background cannot be seen on your smartphones or desktops, simply it can be seen on your television.

Screenshot that asks to add more graphic elements (to make YouTube banner)

We similar to add together multiple colors and go on the groundwork as a slope of all the colors.

Screenshot that asks you to add a background to your youtube banner (to make YouTube banner)

Once it's washed, hit download and take your YouTube channel fine art of 2048x1152 pixels offline.

Screenshot that asks to download your youtube banner (to make YouTube banner)

And your custom YouTube banner is done!

Screenshot that shows that your Youtube banner is downloaded (to make YouTube banner)

Now that you're done with all the steps, it's time to take a breather with this quote.

There are iii slap-up responses to blueprint.

Aye, no, and wow!

You should aim for 'Wow'!

With your YouTube imprint, yous should aim for something that wows the people.

Hither's a short infographic of the ix steps.

9 steps to make a custom 2048 x 1152 pixelsYouTube banner for FREE!
9 steps for a custom 2048 10 1152 YouTube banner

That said, creativity plays an important office in your YouTube banner of 2048x1152 pixels.

Your opportunities are endless with Picmaker'south free images and graphics, at your disposal. Learn more than about it in our YouTube banner maker.

Get now and come back with a spectacular YouTube Banner!


How to upload your custom YouTube aqueduct fine art of 2048 x 1152 pixels?

Y'all've worked really hard on your custom YouTube imprint. You've added the fonts, graphics, and CTA to brand information technology truly personal. Now, you need to make sure that you upload your YouTube banner in the right way.

Become to YouTube and click on your account logo at the pinnacle right.

Screenshot that asks you to select your logo at the top right corner

Select 'YouTube Studio' from the drop-downward list.

Screenshot that asks you to select your logo at the top right corner

On your creator studio, select the 'Customization' tab,

Screenshot that asks you to select customization tab in your Youtube studio

and click on 'Branding.'

Screenshot that asks to click on Branding Tab

Select the change imprint option and upload your banner.

Screenshot that asks you to click on change button under banner image(to make 2048 x 1152 YouTube banner)

Now select your custom 2048 10 1156 pixels YouTube banner from your downloads and upload it.

Screenshot that shows you have uploaded your banner onto youtube

In one case washed, click on the 'Publish' button.

Screenshot that asks you to hit the 'Publish' button on your YouTube channel

Now you tin click on 'View Channel' to your aqueduct with the new and updated custom 2048 x 1152 YouTube banner.

Screenshot that asks view your YouTube channel

Go alee and view your YouTube banner on all your devices to make sure it's perfect.

Screenshot that shows your 2048 x 1152 YouTube banner after it's uploaded.


3 examples of a perfect YouTube imprint of 2048x1152 pixels

We've added iii examples of the perfect YouTube banner in this section. We hope yous can use this as a reference while designing your YouTube banner of 2048x1152 pixels.

1. Justin Dark-brown - Central Video


From the CTA to the curt summary nearly the channel, Justin Brown at Primal video does everything right. The banner matches the color theme of their YouTube channel, while as well asking visitors to check out their free guide.

This custom YouTube banner screams perfect in all ways.

ii. Nick Nimmin


Nick Nimmin is a successful YouTuber and marketer, who has one of the perfect banners. He uses his imprint space to convert more visitors into subscribers. He does this in iii successful ways

  • His tagline explains why you should subscribe - he explains that you should subscribe for tips on Youtube videos and video-making tips.
  • He places a "Click to subscribe" link on his CTA. This gives visitors an easy way to subscribe to his YouTube channel.

3. Salma Jafri


Salma Jafri keeps her YouTube banner simple. All she includes is a short summary of her channel, forth with her film.  This is too a not bad style to design your banner. She has included links to all her social media channels along with her website.

We hope that by now, you have a proficient idea about designing and uploading your custom 2048 x 1152 YouTube imprint.

If yous have any more queries or doubts, feel free to reach out to united states at yo@picmaker.com.

We'll be happy to answer your queries regarding this topic.

And, if y'all'd similar to know nigh inspirational YouTubers who've grown their subscriber base of operations from zero, here'southward a list of all the fabulous conversations nosotros've had in our " Grow Your YouTube " series:

  1. Live For Another – The story of xx-somethings who brand it a habit to help ailing patients live their craziest dreams
  2. Trekers - The YouTuber couple who shot to glory status with a video of a underground World War II U-boat
  3. The story of how a glory interviewer-YouTuber discovered his "Aha!" moment three years ago - Chris Van Vliet
  4. How a French guitarist got 2 million views on his YouTube videos - Tanguy Kerleroux
  5. The awe-inspiring tale of a 55-twelvemonth-old realtor-YouTuber who's aiming for 100k subs from zero!
  6. "If you lot aren't authentic on YouTube, people can smell you from a mile," says a flight attendant-YouTuber

Loved this guide? Awesome! If you're looking to start your Youtube journey, call back that it begins with the perfect YouTube imprint. Here are 69 YouTube banner ideas for your channel. And here are 7 YouTube banner examples for some inspiration.

Too, here'due south a detailed guide to creating crawly YouTube thumbnails that concenter tons of subscribers.

Moreover, don't forget to check out the detailed guide nosotros wrote on creating your YouTube banner of 2560x1440 pixels.


Source: https://www.picmaker.com/blog/design-custom-2048-x-1152-youtube-banner/

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